Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Scandalous Overtones

You know, I've been working on a lot of stuff lately. It's keeping me very busy, which has sadly meant that the blog has been suffering from a lack of attention. I haven't forgotten you, I swear! I still have some Hot Mama profiles that I intend to shortly publish, so stay tuned for that.

It's just that trying to get a freelance writing and editing career started takes a lot of time and energy, my pets, and I've so little of that as it is. You'll be pleased to know, however, that I'm doing this for you. Half of my efforts lately have been directed at producing a series of erotic shorts for an adult product website I've been known to do a bit of business with, and you should starting seeing said stories online and available for repeated reading sometime in the next several weeks. So seriously, put down that copy of 50 Shades you're pretending not to read. Seriously. It's a bit vanilla, don't you think?

Is it scandalous to allude to naughty writing and other X-rated preferences in a blog with Mama in the title?

Not if you also put the word Hot in there, which, conveniently, I have done. So. There's that.
