Sunday, January 22, 2012

Snot Rocket Weekend

Mr. Shawn is away this weekend at NAMM, so little Miss Violet and I have had 3 solid days of quality mommy-baby time. It's been fun. We've been all over the place. Friday I took the day off work because she was sick, and Shawn had already left. On a whim, we drove out to San Francisco to check out a potential wedding venue (I think it's the one!). Then stopped over at Grandpa's house to roll around on the floor there (her) and enjoy some homemade beef stew (me). 

Yesterday, Saturday, we helped Shawn's parents move into their new condo, and got to see lots of cousins and aunties and uncles who were there helping as well. It was pretty funny to see all the big ol' man-cousins playing with the baby and being silly. I like to think she earned her keep that way, even if she couldn't lift any boxes. 

So far today, we slept in, then tidied up the house a bit, and now she's napping and I'm watching some football and hoping to write a bit before my writers' meeting in an hour or two. 

Through all of this, Violet has been working on Tooth #5, (bottom left) which no doubt has something to do with the massive faucet of snot that she's been running all weekend. It's actually pretty comical to see her sneeze out these giant rockets, but then she wipes it all over her face before I can swoop in with a tissue. Gross. Someone's getting a bath tonight. I've also been running the shower and the humidifier a lot, to help clear her up while she sleeps, poor thing. She sounds like an asthmatic old man. Poor baby.

Hope everyone's enjoying the rainy weather. Go Niners!

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