Saturday, October 13, 2012

On Milestones and so forth

After a long absence, a milestone has urged me to post once again. And you'll no doubt be gratified to know that I've roundly scolded myself for not posting in an age. Cardinal sin of blogging, really.

Milestone -- 18 months. 

I don't know quite why that's a milestone in my brain, other than that it's the next size up in baby clothes? From 12 months to 18 months. The next will be the big 24 -- or 2 years old. But also, I've started referring to her as being "a year and a half," rather than how many months old, and that's different. Soon she'll be two. Gulp.


We're already seeing signs of the feisty little 2-year-old she is going to grow into. "No" is a common word in our house already. She gets little attitudes when she doesn't get her way, when Calliou isn't on for long enough, etc. (Sidebar -- much as I try to interest her in Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sherlock Holmes, et al., she stubbornly refuses anything but cartoons.)

But she's also more and more her own person, and that's a fun thing to watch and be a part of. She's learning new words by the day, picking up new skills like climbing onto laundry baskets and unlocking my iphone. Which has got me thinking about getting her enrolled in classes of some kind, baby tumbling or even just taking her to a play place to interact with other kids. She's so much more outgoing than I ever was as a child, eager to make friends with everyone and check out all the new stuff. I was the shy kid who wanted to stay in my room and read books. So I want to foster that spirit in her, get her out into all kinds of different activities, sports, music, girly stuff and tom-boy stuff, and wait to see what sticks. So whether I'll be a (hot) soccer mom or a (hot) gymnastics mom or a (hot) piano recital mom, or all three, remains to be seen.

But seriously, I'm in no rush to find out. All this growing and getting bigger business really needs to stop.

With Grandma

Watching Calliou, one of her favorite pastimes

Already sneaking into Mama's wallet

Such a big girl, eating at the table

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