Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's on Sunday, people!

It’s Wednesday. 

Mother’s Day is on Sunday. 

You’d think, as a mom, I would have remembered before now that I need to figure out some way to acknowledge my own mom. But I did not. My bestie and fellow mom-blogger LJ put together a nice little post on gift ideas for the upcoming holiday, but I’ve left myself with no time to order any of those adorable things (especially that apron...are you kidding me? LOOVE it!!). And since, if you’re reading this post now, there’s a chance that you have procrastinated on finding a token of appreciation for all of Mom's hard work as well, I thought I would do all of us slackers a favor and compile a list of things to do for mom that can be hastily prepared at the 11th hour and still come out looking like you remembered this weeks ago.

1.      Buy her a card. This one is easy and you should probably do this even if you did plan ahead and buy her a gift. Anyone can take a few minutes to find a cute card and pen a personal message inside, which lets Mom know that you actually did put a modicum of thought into this thing, rather than letting Hallmark say it for you. If you’re really running that late, and brunch is starting without you and she's opening her gifts and looking at you and wondering why you aren't handing her can always pretend to go pee and write something in the bathroom. Drink a lot of coffee at brunch to cover for this eventuality.

2.      Make her breakfast in bed. You still have plenty of time to assemble the makings of a grand breakfast feast, and even enough time to shoot out to Target or somewhere and buy a cute little breakfast tray to serve it up on. If you live in the vicinity of a garden, borrow a stem or two and lay them next to the breakfast dish on the tray, or arrange them in a little vase if you’ve got one. Then present the whole lovely display to her with much pomp and circumstance. Just be sure to choose a meal you're reasonably sure you can prepare without burning or poisoning.
Rubberwood Bed Tray with Folding Legs.Opens in a new window

3.      Take her out to breakfast. If the mom you’re celebrating doesn’t live in your house, making her breakfast is probably ruled out. But you can always take mom out, for any meal that day really. Brunch is always nice if your mom, like me, isn’t much of a morning person. Now, this might pose a challenge if you’re wanting to take her to a popular eatery, as most places probably filled up with reservations for Mother’s Day a while ago. If you get creative though, you can find a spot that might not be a traditional Mother's Day hot spot, but one that's meaningful for the two of you, or silly, or random, and make some new memories. What's her favorite food? Take her some where that serves it up special. My mom loves Swedish Fish -- perhaps I shall take her to a candy store and make a meal of them!

Assorted Mini Swedish Fish 5lb

4. Get out. Nothing says "I love you, Mom/Mother of my children" better than a whole day, or at least an afternoon, completely to herself. No kids. No one begging for her attention. Just Mom, some Swedish Fish, and the Bravo Network. Maybe a glass of wine. Mmm. Nice.

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