Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pinterest Baby

I. Haaa-love. Pinterest.

I spend a lot of time there. Pinning. You know.

I've found so many great baby things on Pinterest I think it's time to share some of my internet treasures. If you aren't following me on Pinterest, you should be.

1. Wiley Valentine - Toddler Lunch Tray idea from another super duper blog.
This is one of the coolest, why didn't I think of that, ideas. What a great way to set a toddler up with munchies and let them feed themselves!

2. RuffleButts -- Stinkin' cute clothes for girls and boys.
To be fair, I was aware of this company before Pinterest, but they have so much cute stuff I pretty much had to pin it all. Whether I get around to purchasing any of it before she's too old to wear it is another story.
eeek! must have this for baby!

3. -- mustache pacifiers
There's actually all kinds of cool random stuff on this site, and it's another great place to go for gifts you'd never thought of before. When I saw these, I gagged on the cuteness. 



my future child will wear this shirt. too cute.

this is wonderful hahahah

5. Mod Sunglasses Dress. 
The book nerd in me loves this dress, and so does the Burlesque dancer. It's so nerdy and vintage at once, I must dress my child in this.
so cute

6. Delicious Monkey Baby.
I don't know where this baby picture came from, but I have a hard time trying not to eat the screen because he is so freakin' adorable!!

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