Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Some uplifting video goodness

Hello, readers!
Apologies for the lull in my oh-so-witty writing, we spent the last week packing up our old apartment and moving into our sparkling new apartment, which really feels more like a house, or at least a condo, and I couldn't be happier with it. Pics and post re that whole adventure to follow.

For now, I wanted to share a post and video by the wonderful and hilarious Marie Forleo. I found it incredibly relevant to my life at the moment, and so many of my fabulous friends are running their own businesses and just generally being badass at what they do that I thought some of you would appreciate it too.

This is a video from Marie's website on How To Create Your Brand & Find Your Voice.

I very much recommend RSSing this gal's site. She rocks my socks right off!!

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