Monday, June 3, 2013

Reading People

People are so hard to figure out sometimes.

I tend to be a pretty friendly, chatty person, but I understand -- completely -- the desire to want to be quiet, keep to yourself, and just not talk for a while. I have those moments as often, if not more often, then I have my chatty periods. And I'm good at reading people; or, at least, people's current emotional state of being. It's one of the gifts of a Pisces -- we can sense the emotions of others.

Sometimes, though, I encounter someone who mystifies me.

I've recently had a person enter my life who I just can't get a read on. I see this person every day, and I see her being chatty and friendly with others. And she's been chatty and friendly with me, too. But when I try to engage her, make some of my trademark silly remarks or just some attempt at bonding through speech, it's suddenly very awkward, as if I'm the only person really interested in the conversation. There are two explanations for this fighting for prominence in my brain.

1. This gal just doesn't like me. Although why, I could not say. I haven't known her for that long. And since, due to the situation in question, we've barely exchanged the equivalent of what could be called a full conversation, I don't know what she could have to go on. But let's be honest, sometimes we don't like people for no reason at all.

2. She's just not a big chatter. I don't really buy this, since, like I said, I've witnessed multiple leisurely conversations between her and other folks, so it can't be that chit-chatting in general is against one of her rules.

It's very odd to be solicited for some light convo one moment, and then sort of brushed off and ignored the next. Is this some queen-bee, girl-drama issue? Am I confused because I am inherently unwilling to believe that a person could be so openly rude? Or am I over-thinking this and turning it into an issue when it's not? I always want to give people the benefit of the doubt, so much so that I try to correct for that by sometimes being overly suspicious, to make sure I'm not letting myself get taken advantage of or stepped on, etc.


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