Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Feed Me!

(originally published on Blogging For Two on July 15, 2014)

In a delicious turn of events, I have decided to share with the world all the delicacies I'm currently eating or would eat if they were put in front of my face.

#1: Cheese Quesadillas. Pretty much all Mexican food (again) but cheese quesadillas top the list this week. So crunchy and cheesy and perfect for scooping up guac. If you're not eating this with guac, you're doing it wrong. This recipe is from Paula Dean's website, and while I've never made it myself, you know that butter-lover makes a mean fried tortilla.

#2: Cheeseburger. I'm so hungry looking at this right now. Cheese and meat, red meat. Bacon. More avocado. Yes.

#3: Fruit-based pies. We went to Nation's the other day. Well, Shawn picked up Nation's while I waited at home. And I specifically asked for strawberry pie. They sent him home with chocolate creme pie. I was devastated. Not enough to let it go to waste or anything, but you know, still pretty pissed.

#4: Peanut Butter Pretzel Milkshake. I didn't know I needed this until I saw it on the internets. But I think we can all agree that this is needful.

#5. Pickles. Yes, it's happened. I wouldn't say I crave pickles, but when they give me one with a sandwich, I suddenly find myself asking if I can have two instead. Did you know there was a National Pickle Day? It's November 14. I shall be celebrating this year.

Also, pretty much everything on my Pinterest boards dedicated to food and dessert. Also pizza. There's a strong theme of cheese running through all this, I think.

And the answer is 7.4lbs so far, at week 14. I'm still right on track to gain about 30lbs with this pregnancy, which I can totally live with. That's half of what I did before and smack in the middle of the recommended range, so I'm aiming for the middle.

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