Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hot Fun in the Almost-Summertime

Hot, hot, hot today. Not a good day to live on the top floor of the building. Miss V took a long nap this afternoon, which I couldn't resist taking pictures of, since she was wearing her Ruffle Butt pants and sleeping butt-up. Adorable.

Working on this blog is giving me an itch to learn some photography skills. First off will be learning how to properly use the fancy-dancy camera I got for Christmas. Like, how do I get it to not have the stupid date and time stamp?

Afterwards I slathered her in sunscreen and popped on her cute little sun hat, and off we went for a walk down Park Street to the book store.


First of all, wearing jeans was a bad idea on my part. I felt sticky and puffy and bloated. Not hot. Well, not the good kind of hot. Especially watching all the smart chicks in their cute shorts and tank tops.

Second, it was just too dang hot. The baby got all lethargic and sweaty, and I kept giving her drinks from my water bottle and spilling it down her shirt so she could cool off. Once at the book store, I didn't see the book I'd come for, so we left again and just went straight home.

However, experiencing the first summery day of the year has made me want to start training for a half marathon again. When I was in Campbell, I loved running. There was a great trail just down the road from my apartment, and I would go there 2-3 times a week after work and work on my mileage. It was great. So I think I'm going to look into some halfies around here and then put together a training program.

So, stayed tuned for more news on that front.

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